1. Which of the following are primarily responsible for making economic decisions in a pure market economy?

Think again. .

It is in a command system that the central government is the most important decision maker. In a pure market economy, the decisions are made by individual consumers and suppliers.

Think again.

In a pure market economy, the decisions are made by individual consumers and suppliers and not large corporations.

Think again.

In a pure market economy, the decisions are made by individual consumers and suppliers and not large corporations.

Think again.

It is in a command system that the central government as well as regulators and bureaucrats are important decision makers. In a pure market economy, the decisions are made by individual consumers and suppliers.

2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

In a pure market economy, the “for whom” or distribution question is largely answered according to the needs and wants of individuals and groups in society.

Think again.  The statement is false.

In a pure market economy, you need an income in order to purchase goods and services to satisfy your needs and wants. It is the needs and wants of those with income that are satisfied.

You are right!

In a pure market economy, you need an income in order to purchase goods and services to satisfy your needs and wants. It is the needs and wants of those with income that are satisfied.

3. In a pure market economy, the price mechanism plays an important role in solving the economic problem.

You are right! The statement is true.

In a market system, it is the forces of demand and supply which determine the prices of goods and services, and consumers and suppliers make decisions on the basis of these prices.

4. In a market system, prices are determined by government bureaucrats.

Think again. The statement is false.

In a market system, prices are determined by the forces of demand and supply. Bureaucrats set prices in a command  system.

5. A strength of the market system is that it provides an incentive for people to work hard.