Familiarise yourself with the following concepts before you start this unit:
Households – A household can be described as all people who live together and who make joint economic decisions or who are subjected to others who make such decisions for them. A household can consist of an individual, a family or any group of people who have a joint income and take decisions together. Every person in the economy belongs to a household.
Firms – A firm can be described as the unit that employs factors of production to produce goods and services that are sold on the goods market.
Factor market – It is the market in which the factors of production are sold and purchased.
Goods market – It is the market in which goods and services are sold and purchased.
Real flows – It is the flow of real things such as goods and services or the factors of production.
Nominal (monetary) flows – It is the flow of money in the form of money income (wages and salaries, interest, rent and profits) and spending on goods and services.
Read through the following extract (BusinesTech, 2017) on the technical recession in South Africa in 2017 and reflect on the questions that follow: